Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

"Bawa - Plus"

His Holiness, Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
And Our Dearest Loving Son,
And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
In Whom "We Are Well Pleased",
Now Living In "The World" With You As "One",
and that is for sure.

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"Bawa-Plus-05Understanding In Truth "Who You Truly Are", And "Where You Truly Are", 
And "What Is Truly Happening" In "Your Life", if you like, And Now How To "Make It Happen", By You Now Accepting & Understand  "What Is Preventing It" From Happening In "Your Life", Which In Truth Is Because You Have "Lost Your Conscience" To "Your Dog of Desire”, As Bawa Calls It, That Is, Because You Have "Lost Your ConscienceWhich Is "Your Dhat" of "Your Dhat, Sirr, 
And Sifat" of God, That God Initially Gave To You, And Because You Have Not Yet Discovered 
"Your Wisdom" And "The Power of God", Which Is "Your Sirr" & "Your Dhat", of "Your Dhat, Sirr, And Sifat" of God, That God Gave To You, Upon You Entering "This Earth World" Within You, if you like, Or Discovered "The Three Worlds" of God Know As "Awwal, Dunya, And 
Akhirah", That God Also Gave To You, Upon Your Entering "The World of SoulsWithin God Within You, if God likes, Plus, If Available, "A Review" of This Next "Bawa-Plus-Adventure" By "Us", if you like, and that is for sure.

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Bawa. That Is, Because In “Your Ignorance” You Have Become “God’s Sifat” of “Your First World”, Which Is “The State” of “The Manifestation” of “The Creation of God”, But Now Within “The Illusory Ocean” of “The Mind” of Man, And Because In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “The Oneness” of “Your Life” and God, You Won’t Let Go, No Matter What, That Is, No Matter What God Shows & Tells You To “The Contrary”, About “The Truth” of “Your Life”, About “The Oneness” of “Your Life”, And As Such, You Do Not “Understand Your Illness”, And You Have Not Yet “Discovered Your Sirr”, That Is, “Your Secret”, Which Is “Your Eternal Life”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, Because You Have "Lost Your Conscience" Which Is "Your Dhat" of "Your Dhat, Sirr, And Sifat" of God, That God Initially Gave To You, And Because You Have Not Yet Discovered "Your Wisdom", Which Is "Your Sirr" of "Your Dhat, Sirr, And Sifat" of God, That God Also Initially Gave To You, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. That Is, About "Us" Taking A Closer Look Together At "This Beautiful Bawa Quotation", 
And "The Ramification" of "YouStarting To Truly Understanding It For "Your Life", That Is, By "Your Life" First Becoming It, if you like, And Then By "Your Life", And By "The Life" of All of My Children, Without Exception, Transcending It, if "God" likes, All of Which In Truth Is "Truly Enormous" For "Your Life", That Is, is "Truly Liberating" For "Your Life", That Is, For "Your Soul", if you like, All of Which In Truth Is "Truly Worthy of God", Now For "Your Age", Now For "Your Life", if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, “If YOU ARE A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, And “NOT Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure.


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           01. As “An Expanded Version” of “The Original Version”:
           02. As “A Line By Line Review” of “The Original Version” - That Is, If
                    Available, and that is for sure.

Go To "The Review" of "Bawa-Plus-05", If Available, By Our Dearest Loving Grand Son, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), Now Living Within "The Heart" of "The One" Who Will Truly Let Himself "End In God", Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, That Is, Now Living Within "The Heart" of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are Well Pleased", if you like, As Now "The Resonance" of "The Final Truth", and that is for sure. Amen.


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229-a. One who has performed the five furüd, obligatory duties, (Correctly) will have received eternal life in this very life itself. (In His Faith) He will have received the treasure of faith within faith, ïmän within ïmän, and prayer within prayer. In his prayer, he will have received the grace of Alläh, exalted be His name. (In His Charity) He will have received this treasure of charity within charityIn fasting, he will have received the steadfast heart that never fails. In hajj, the holy pilgrimage, he will have received the treasure that has cut him away from birth and death

(That Is, That Has Cut Him Away From “The Cycle of 105 Million Elemental Rebirths”, That Is, that Has Cut Him Away From “His Sifat”, From “His Death”)

If the five furüd are done in this (Correct State of) ïmän-Isläm, he will have received all these treasures in his life. These are the furüd of the rules of Isläm. This is the meaning within and without, (That is, the meaning within and without of “The 5 Obligatory Duties of Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and of Hajj).

May Alläh, exalted be His name, help us to do this (Correctly, That Is, As “A Slave of Allah” Who Has “Disappeared Into” Allah Within Us, Not As Just “Another Person” Still Living On “The Outside” of Us As If Somehow We Now Exist As “Separate From” Allah Within Us, All of Which of Course Is "Just Not True", and that is for sure)


Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
No Source Provided” In “This Posting” On “Facebook” (For “The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Group”).


"Bawa-Plus-03" - With "The Plus"

01. As “An Expanded Version of “The Original Version”:
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229-b. One who has performed the five furüd, obligatory duties, (Correctly), will have received eternal life in this very life itself. 

(In His Faith) He will have received the treasure of faith within faith, ïmän within ïmän, and prayer within prayer. 

In his prayer, he will have received the grace of Alläh, exalted be His name. 

(In His Charity) He will have received this treasure of charity within charity. 

In fasting, he will have received the steadfast heart that never fails. 

In hajj, the holy pilgrimage, he will have received the treasure that has cut him away from birth and death, (That Is, That Has Cut Him Away From “The Cycle of 105 Million Elemental Rebirths”, That Is, That Has Cut Him Away From “His Sifat”, From “His Death”).

If the five furüd are done in this (Correct State of) ïmän-Isläm, he will have received all these treasures in his life. 

These are the furüd of the rules of IslämThis is the meaning within and without 

(That is, This Is “The Meaning” within and without of “The 5 Obligatory Duties of Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and of Hajj, Both Within “Your Mind” Within You, That Is, As “A Person” Living In “The World”, And Within God Within You, That Is, As “A True Slave” of Allah, Living Exclusively At “The Divine Feet” of “The True Gnana Guru”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, Who Is Still Living In “The World” With You, and that is for sure). 

May Alläh, exalted be His name, help us to do this (Correctly, That Is, May Allah Help Us Do This Exclusively At “The Divine Feet” of “The True Gnana Guru”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, Who Is Still Living In “The World” With You, That Is, As “A Slave of Allah” Who Has “Disappeared Into” AllahFirst On “The Outside” of Us, That Is, At “His Divine Feet”, And Then Within Us, Within “His Pure Heart”, Not As Just Another Person” Still Living On “The Illusory Outside” of Us As If Somehow We Now Exist As “Separate From” Allah Within Us, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, and that is for sure).

(That Is, That Has Cut Him Away From “The Cycle of 105 Million Elemental Rebirths”, That Is, That Has Cut Him Away From “His Sifat”, From “His Death”, and that is for sure)

If the five furüd are done in this (Correct State of) ïmän-Isläm, he will have received all these treasures in his life. These are the furüd of the rules of Isläm. This is the meaning within and without, (That is, This Is the meaning within and without of “The 5 Obligatory Duties" of Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and of Hajj, and that is for sure). 

(May Alläh, exalted be His name, help us to do this Correctly, That Is, As “A Slave of Allah” Who Has “Disappeared Into” Allah Within Us, Not As Just “Another Person” Still Living On “The Outside” of Us As If Somehow We Now Exist As “Separate From Allah Within Us, All of Which 
of Course Is "Just Not True",and that is for sure).


(Bawa. Now, My Dearest Loving Children, Lets Look Again At “This Beautiful” Bawa Quotation, Now At Even “A Deeper Level” of “Your Truth”, if you like, and that is for sure. Ok?

(Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. First, One who has performed the five furüd, obligatory duties, Correctly, That Is, By Getting God To Do Them, That Is, As “One With” Your Life, Not As You As “Separate From” God Within You, will have received eternal life in this very life itself.

(Bawa. That Is, One who has performed the five furüd, obligatory duties, Correctly, will have received eternal life in this very life itself. That Is, By Learning “How To Do Them” Correctly, That Is, By Learning “How To” Do “These Five Furud” Correctly From “One” Who Has Truly Learned “How To Do Them” Correctly, That Is, That Is, From “One” Who Has Truly Learned “How To” Do “These Five Obligatory Duties” of “Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and of Hajj” Correctly, That Is, Without “Doing Them”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, By You Now Learning “How To” Do “These Five Furud” Correctly At “The Divine Feet” of “The True Gnana Guru”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, Who Is Still Living In “The World” With You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. All of Which Is Now “The Life and Teaching”, And “The Heart”, And “The Song” (See "God's Song" of "Grace, Wisdom, and 'Ilm (Divine Knowledge)", of Our Dearest Loving Son, 
And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, Now For "The Last Time"., and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, By You Getting God, And Only God Within You, To “Do Them”, Within God Within You, Not By “You Doing Them” Within “Your Mind” Within You, That Is, By You Giving Up All Thought of “You Doing Them” As “Separate From” God Within You, That Is, By You Giving Up All Thought of “You Doing Them” As If Somehow You Now Exist As “Separate From” God Within You, On Some “Illusory Outside” of You, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within “Your Mind” Within You, Not On Some “Illusory Outside” of You, As You, And All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, Not On Some “Illusory Outside” of You, As You and All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, That Is, If At “The End” of “Your Life” In “The World”, When “Your Grave” Finds You, And “The Angel of Death” Comes To You, You Are Still In “Your Current State” of “Illusory Separation” From God Within You, And “Hell Becomes Your Only Eternal Fate”, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure)


(Bawa. In His Faith) He will have received the treasure of faith within faith, ïmän within ïmän, and prayer within prayer. In his prayer, he will have received the grace of Alläh, exalted be His name. (In His Charity) He will have received this treasure of charity within charity. In fasting, he will have received the steadfast heart that never fails. In hajj, the holy pilgrimage, he will have received the treasure that has cut him away from birth and death.

(Bawa. That Is, In “His Faith” (His Iman), And In “HIs Prayer” (His Grace), And In “His Charity” (His Compassion), And In “His Fasting” (His Unity/Oneness), And In “HIs Holy Pilgrimage” (His True Death In Allah), The Treasure of “God Within Man”, That Is, of Wisdom, That Is, of “Divine Analytic Wisdom”, The Wisdom Which Explains, That Is, “The 6th Level of Wisdom” Within You, Will Dawn Within You, That is, Within God Within You, That Is, As The Treasure of “True Man”, of “Man-God”, Within God Within You, That Is, As “The Sirr” of God (As The “Secret” of God) Within “The Sifat” of God (Within “The Elemental Form” of God), Will Dawn Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That is, “The Sirr” of “The Dhat, The Sirr, And The Sifat” of God, That God Originally Gave To You, As “The 7 Levels” of Wisdom Known As “Your Soul”, When You, And When All of My Children, Without Exception, Originally Came Into “The World”, Will Dawn Within You, As “Divine Analytic Wisdom”, As The Wisdom Which Explains, That Is, As “The 6th Level of Wisdom” Within You, That Is, As “The Re-opened World of Souls”, Within God Within You, if you like, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. And Within “That”, That Is, Within “That Treasure” of God, That Is, Within “The Treasure” of “True Man”, Within God Within You, The Treasure of “Perfected True Man”, of “Man-God/God-Man”, Within God Within You, Will Dawn, if God Likes, That Is, As “The Kingdom” of God Within “The Re-opened World of Souls”, That is, As “The Divine Luminous Wisdom”, That Is, As “The 7th Level” of Wisdom, That Is, As “The Plenitude” of Allah, Within “The Divine Analytic Wisdom”, That Is, Within “The 6th Level” of Wisdom, Will Dawn, if God Likes, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, As “The Dhat” Within “The Sirr”, of “The Dhat, The Sirr, And The Sifat” of God, That God Originally Gave To You, As “The 7 Levels” of Wisdom Known As “Your Soul”, That Is, As In Truth “Your Trust Property”, That Is, When You, And When All of My Children, Without Exception, Originally Came Into “This Earth World”, As In Truth “Your Trust Property”, That You Must “Return To God” In Its “Original Condition” As “The Completion” of “The First World” of God, Or Awwal, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, As “The Understanding” The “Blood/Darkness of God”, So God Can “Continue To Carry You Again”, But Now Into “The Understanding” of “The Second” of “The Three Worlds” of God, That God Also Originally Gave To You, As “The 3 Worlds” of God Known As “Awwal, Dunya, And Akhirah”, When You, And When All of My Children, Without Exception, Originally Came Into “The World of Soul”, and that is for sure.

(Bawa. That Is, As “The Understanding” of “The Creation of God”, That Is, As “The Understanding” of “The Temporary Elemental Lives” of “Darkness & Evil” Now “Living & Thriving” Within “The Mind” of Man, Just Waiting For “You To Die” To “The Flesh”, As They Say, In “Your Current State” of “Illusory Separation” From God Within You, So “They” Can Next Become ”Eternal Elemental Lives” of “Darkness & Evil” Next “Living & Thriving” Within “The Mind” of Man Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. And Doing It, That Is, And “Returning” Your “Trust Property”, To God Within You, That Is, Returning “Your Soul” To God Within You, In Its “Original Condition” of “Purity”, But Now As “The Completion” of “The First World” of God, Or Awwal, That Is, But Now As “The Understanding” The “Blood/Darkness of God” Within “Your Mind” Within You, And Doing It, That Is, And Doing It “In Partnership With God”, That Is, As “One With” God, As “Two Lives Now Living As One Life”, First On The Outside, And Then Within, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. And All Happening, If you like, Or At Least, All Truly Starting, Within “Your Mind’ Within You, if you like, Before “Your Grave Finds You” In “Your Current State” of “Illusory Separation” From God Within You, And “Your Current Debt of Birth” To All of “Your True Elemental Children” Now “Living & Thriving” Within “Your Mind” Within You, Becomes “Your Only Eternal Fate”, That Is, Becomes An “Eternal Elemental Life” of “Separation” From God Within You, That Is, Becomes “Your Only Next Life”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, Becomes “Your Only Next Life”, Keeping “Your Soul” Eternally “Separate From” God Within You, Animating “The Eternal Hells” Within You, With “Your Wisdom” Eternally Sleeping, And With “Your Current Elemental Consciousness” of “I and You”, And of “Mine and Yours”, and of “Arrogance”, Next Starting On Its Eternal Journey Through “The 7 Hells” Next Eternally “Established By You” Within “Your Mind” Within You, if you like, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, “If You Are Not A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, And “Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, Is Teaching Us Again, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. Not As “Punishment Or Reward”, But Rather Because “That Is What You Want”, But Rather Because “That Is What” You Have Told God, Over, And Over, And Over Again, That “You Want” For Eternity, Not By “Your Words” Or By “Your Practices”, But Rather By “The Way” That You “Lived Out” Your Life In “The World”, That Is, As Either “One With” God Within You, Or As “Separate From” God Within You, And Then “In The End” That Is What You Will Receive From God As “Your Just Reward” For Having Lived In “The World”, That Is, Either “An Eternal Life” As “One With” God Within You, Or “An Eternal Life” As “Separate From” God Within You, One Or “The Other”, But Never, Ever Both, As You, And All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure)


(Bawa. So, My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth “This Is Your Current Path”, That Is, “The Path” To “An Eternal Life” of “Separation From” God Within You, But “There Is Another Path”, That God Gave To You, And To All of My Children, Without Exception, That Is, “The Path” To “An Eternal Life” of “Oneness With” God Within You, But “You Cannot Walk Both Paths”, One Or “The Other”, But Never, Ever Both, As “You”, And All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. So, My Dearest Loving ChildrenBe Completely Done With “Your Current Path” of “An Eternal Life” of “Separation From” God Within You, And Truly Join With “Your Other Path” of “An Eternal Life” of “Oneness With” God Within You, Since In Truth God Gave You Both Paths
It Is Truly “This Simple”, And “Your Other Path” of “Your Life” Is Now “The Life and Teaching”, And “The Heart”, And “The Song” (See "God's Song" of "Grace, Wisdom, and 'Ilm (Divine Knowledge)", of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you likeAgain It Is Truly “This Simple”, and that is for sure)

 (Bawa. So You Can Now Truly Learn From Him How To “Return” Your “Trust Property”, To God Within You, That Is, Returning “Your Soul” To God Within You, In Its “Original Condition” of “Purity”, But Now As “The Completion” of “The First World” of God, Or Awwal, That Is, But Now As “The Understanding” The “Blood/Darkness of God” Within “Your Mind” Within You, And Doing It, That Is, And Doing It “In Partnership With God”, That Is, As “One With” God, As “Two Lives Now Living As One Life”, First On The Outside, And Then Within, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, So God Can “Continue To Carry You Again”, But Now Into “The Understanding” of “The Second” of “The Three Worlds” of God Within You, In Order To Bring “That Second World” of God, Known As “The Illusory Ocean” of “The Mind” of Man, Or “Earth World” Or “Dunya”, Also To Completion, As “The Understanding” of “The Light” Or Wisdom of God, That Is, As “The Understanding” of “The Second” World of God That God Also Originally Gave To You, As “The 3 Worlds” of God Known As “Awwal, Dunya, And Akhirah”, When You, And When All of My Children, Without Exception, Originally Came Into “The World of Soul”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. Something To “Get God” To “Get Your Soul” To Think About A Lot, Yes?)

(Bawa. My Love You - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with HIm, and with Us). Amen.


Shaikh Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
From The Publication, “No Source Provided” For “This Bawa Quotation” In “This Posting” On “Facebook” (For “The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Group”), Plus “An Expansion” of “This Bawa Quotation”, Now By Our Dearest Loving Grand SonShaikh Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)if you like, and that is for sure.


02. “Line By Line Review” of “The Original Version - If Available.

Not Currently Available -

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